Welcome to the new official Out Loud! Blog.

This is a place for planning, discussing and informing the students with news related to the annual Out Loud! Festival, which features the voices of the Advanced English Students at RUM.

The Department of English is excited to be hosting the Eighth Annual Out Loud! Voices of the Advanced English Students Festival on April 6th, 2016.

The English Department will host the seventh annual Out Loud! Festival featuring the academic and creative projects of students enrolled in the Advanced English courses. A gallery exhibition of drawings, paintings, three-dimensional works, short films, and other digital media; as well as creative writing and academic essays will be featured in Chardon (CH-326).

Approximately one hundred students participate in this event by exhibiting or performing their works. All of the exhibited works and performances grow out of classroom assignments in the Advanced English courses. This challenging course sequence is designed to foster students' critical thinking, reading, writing, and speaking skills though the in-depth analysis of diverse texts and research-supported critical and creative inquiry.

This event is free and open to the public. For more information, you may contact the faculty coordinator: Dr. Ricia Chansky at ricia.chansky@upr.edu, or the student coordinator Laura Garcia de la Noceda at laura.garcia3@upr.edu.

Here's to hearing your voices Out Loud!

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Out Loud! Festival 2016

Welcome to the new official Out Loud! Blog.

This is a place for planning, discussing and informing the students with news related to the annual Out Loud! Festival, which features the voices of the Advanced English Students at RUM.

The Department of English is excited to be hosting the Eighth Annual Out Loud! Voices of the Advanced English Students Festival on April 6th, 2016.

The English Department will host the seventh annual Out Loud! Festival featuring the academic and creative projects of students enrolled in the Advanced English courses. A gallery exhibition of drawings, paintings, three-dimensional works, short films, and other digital media; as well as creative writing and academic essays will be featured in Chardon (CH-326).

Approximately one hundred students participate in this event by exhibiting or performing their works. All of the exhibited works and performances grow out of classroom assignments in the Advanced English courses. This challenging course sequence is designed to foster students' critical thinking, reading, writing, and speaking skills though the in-depth analysis of diverse texts and research-supported critical and creative inquiry.

This event is free and open to the public. For more information, you may contact the faculty coordinator: Dr. Ricia Chansky at ricia.chansky@upr.edu, or the student coordinator Laura Garcia de la Noceda at laura.garcia3@upr.edu.

Here's to hearing your voices Out Loud!

Friday, November 21, 2014

Out Loud! Festival 2015

Welcome to the new official Out Loud! Blog.

This is a place for planning, discussing and informing the students with news related to the annual Out Loud! Festival, which features the voices of the Advanced English Students at RUM.

The Department of English is excited to be hosting the Seventh Annual Out Loud! Voices of the Advanced English Students Festival on April 8th, 2015.

The English Department will host the seventh annual Out Loud! Festival featuring the academic and creative projects of students enrolled in the Advanced English courses. A gallery exhibition of drawings, paintings, three-dimensional works, short films, and other digital media; as well as creative writing and academic essays will be featured in Chardon (CH-326).

Approximately one hundred students participate in this event by exhibiting or performing their works. All of the exhibited works and performances grow out of classroom assignments in the Advanced English courses. This challenging course sequence is designed to foster students' critical thinking, reading, writing, and speaking skills though the in-depth analysis of diverse texts and research-supported critical and creative inquiry.

This event is free and open to the public. For more information, you may contact the faculty coordinator: Dr. Ricia Chansky atricia.chansky@upr.edu, or any of the student coordinators: Sophia Caraballo at sophia.caraballo@upr.edu, or Laura Garcia de la Noceda at laura.garcia3@upr.edu.

Here's to hearing your voices Out Loud!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Out Loud! Festival 2014

Welcome to the new official Out Loud! Blog.

This is a place for planning, discussing and informing the students with news related to the annual Out Loud! Festival, which features the voices of the Advanced English Students at RUM.

The Department of English is excited to be hosting the Sixth Annual Out Loud! Voices of the Advanced English Students Festival on April 9th, 2014.

The English Department will host the sixth annual Out Loud! Festival featuring the academic and creative projects of students enrolled in the Advanced English courses. A gallery exhibition of drawings, paintings, three-dimensional works, short films, and other digital media; as well as creative writing and academic essays will be featured in Chardon (CH-326). A series of music and dance performances will be held in the amphitheater Figueroa-Chapel, later in the afternoon.

Approximately one hundred students participate in this event by exhibiting or performing their works. All of the exhibited works and performances grow out of classroom assignments in the Advanced English courses. This challenging course sequence is designed to foster students' critical thinking, reading, writing, and speaking skills though the in-depth analysis of diverse texts and research-supported critical and creative inquiry.

This event is free and open to the public. For more information, you may contact the faculty coordinator: Dr. Ricia Chansky at ricia.chansky@upr.edu, or any of the student coordinators: Sophia Caraballo at sophia.caraballo@upr.edu, or Laura Garcia de la Noceda at laura.garcia3@upr.edu.

Here's to hearing your voices Out Loud!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Special Thanks!

The Out Loud Festival would like to send their deep appreciation to the Administration and Faculty of the English Department in the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus, for all their support. Special thanks to:

The administration:
  • Dr. Rosita Rivera, Director of the Department of English, Assistant Professor of the Department of English
  • Dr. Nancy Vicente, Interim Associate Director of the Department of English, Assistant Professor of the Department of English
To the current professors:
  • Dr. Ricia Chansky, Assistant Professor of the Department of English
  • Dr. Eric Lamore, Assistant Professor of the Department of English
  • Prof. Roberto Lopez, Associate Professor of the Department of English
  • Dr. Laurence Chott, Assistant Professor of the Department of English
  • Dr. Leonardo Flores, Assistant Professor of the Department of English
  • Prof. Janice Cools, Assistant Professor of the Department of English
  • Prof. Gabriel Romaguera, Adjunct Professor of the Department of English
  • Prof. Marci Denesiuk, Adjunct Professor of the Department of English
  • Marci Denesiuk
To previous administration:
  • Dr. Kevin Carroll, Assistant Professor of the Department of English , Former Director of the Department of English (2013)
  • Dr. Betsy Morales Caro, Linguistics/Applied Linguistics Professor, Former Director of the Department of English
  • Dr. Catherine Mazak, Interim Associate Director of the Department of English, Assistant Professor of the Department of English
To previous professors:
  • Prof. Nidia Tiru, former Literature Associate Professor of the Department of English
  • Dr. Ismael Rivera, former Literature Professor of the Department of English
  • Dr. Katherine Ferracane, former Professor of the Department of English
  • Prof. Mabel Ortiz, Associate Professor of the Department of English
  • Dr. Darnyd Ortiz, Professor of the Department of English
And lastly:
  • Sophia Melissa Caraballo, Student Coordinator (2012-2014)
  • Laura Coral Garcia de la Noceda, Student Coordinator (2012-2014)
  • Juan Carlos Gonzalez, MC for evening festival (2011-2014)
  • Geraldo Ibenez, former MC for evening festival (2012)

Friday, September 6, 2013

What can you do as an English Major?

Most people believe that English Major only seek a career as a teacher but that is not the only thing most of us want to be.

English Majors can obtain jobs in:

  • Communications
  • Public Relations
  • Government Services
  • Human Services
  • Peace Corps
  • Program Planning
  • Legislation
  • Foreign Services
  • Foundation Work
  • Advocate
  • Public Opinion Specialist
  • Script Writer
  • Interpreter/ Translator
  • Press Representative
  • Advertising
  • Editor
  • Graphic Designer
  • Computer Animation
  • Business
  • Interviewer
  • Merchandising
  • Research Publications
  • Copywriter
  • Banking
  • Production
  • Journalism
  • Writer/Author
  • Guidance Counselor
  • Actor/ Actress
  • Social Worker
An English major is an excellent foundation for any career that requires excellent analytic abilities and strong oral and written skills.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Welcome to the Out Loud! Festival Blog

Welcome to the new official Out Loud! Blog. 

This is a place for planning, discussing and informing the students with news related to the annual Out Loud! Festival, which features the voices of the Advanced English Students at RUM. 

The Department of English is excited to be hosting the Fifth Annual Out Loud! Voices of the Advanced English Students Festival in the second week of April 2013. 

The English Department will host the 5th annual Out Loud! Festival featuring the academic and creative projects of students enrolled in the Advanced English courses. A gallery exhibition of drawings, paintings, three-dimensional works, short films, and other digital media; as well as creative writing and academic essays will be featured in Chardon. A series of music and dance performances will be held in Salon Tarzan, later in the afternoon. 

Approximately one hundred students participate in this event by exhibiting or performing their works. All of the exhibited works and performances grow out of classroom assignments in the Advanced English courses. This challenging course sequence is designed to foster students' critical thinking, reading, writing, and speaking skills though the in-depth analysis of diverse texts and research-supported critical and creative inquiry. 

This event is free and open to the public. For more information, please contact the faculty coordinator: Dr. Ricia Chansky at ricia.chansky@upr.edu.

Here's to hearing your voices Out Loud!